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Gage Red

Alternate Names: Guage Red

Description: High iron fireclay

Oxide Analysis Formula
SiO2 40.80% 2.47
Al2O3 28.00% 1.00
Fe2O3 18.10% 0.41
TiO2 1.20% 0.05
MgO 0.20% 0.02
K2O 0.14% 0.01
LOI 11.50%n/a
Oxide Weight 322.17
Formula Weight 364.04


Replaces Carbondale Red and C-Red in 2021.
~5% retained on 200 mesh screen.
~8% quartz mineral.
Cone 04 water absorption: 23%
Cone 5 water absorption: 16%
Cone 10 water absorption: 11%
Cone 10R water absorption: 2%

In 2024 this is only being sold to selected customers, only about 800 tons per year are being mined.

Related Information


Materials Carbondale Clay
IMCO information on their mined clays
By Tony Hansen
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